[bug] konqueror and jumpy menu items and css
2004-02-05 22:22:55 UTC
Project: User experience
Version: <none>
Component: usability
Category: bug reports
Priority: normal
Assigned to: Anonymous
Reported by: mathias
Updated by: mathias
Status: active

When clicking on a link in the hierarchical user-block using the latest
Drupal CVS and konqueror 3.2.0, the links "jump" horizontally out of
position. Bizarre.

I have isolated this to the following section of css in drupal.css:

.menu li a {
display: block;
width: 100%;
text-decoration: none;

Specifically, if you remove the display: block; line, everything seems
to work. But I don't have enough knowledge of CSS to know the
implications of this action.

boing, boing, bong!

View: http://drupal.org/node/view/5660
Edit: http://drupal.org/project/comments/add/5660
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