[bug] Can't find all posts by author
2004-02-08 18:44:13 UTC
Project: User experience
Version: <none>
Component: usability
Category: bug reports
Priority: normal
Assigned to: Anonymous
Reported by: e
Updated by: e
Status: active

I want to find all posts by a given author (in this case, walkah). So I
search for him as a user, and forum posts by him don't seem to be
returned. I look under his user profile, and only the last four posts
seem to be listed. This is a real pain in the ass, since I want to add
a note to a discussion, but I can't remember the name of the topic.

View: http://drupal.org/node/view/5735
Edit: http://drupal.org/project/comments/add/5735
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