Drupal Handbook Proposal
2003-10-14 16:19:45 UTC
This is concise, informative, and obviously the result of hard work.

I suggest you consider an additional section that explains how to make
up different drupal Websites with a real world mission. That is,
consider something like simple drupal recipies for a city neighborhood
community website(add user module, add blogging, add site cloud, etc.),
or a drupal recipe for building software documentation (user module,
book module). So, I am suggesting you add a cookbook section to your
current structure that illustrates how to build up simple drupal
Websites for different end functions, in a recipe format. You may even
want to add a picture of what it looks like--similar to showing how the
food should look when the recipe is made.

Attached is a powerpoint presentation with the storyboard of the
proposed changes to the Drupal handbook. To those who might not
recall, this is a project being done at Purdue University for a
technical writing class. This phase illustrates the proposed changes
to the organization of the handbook; there is no real content in the
storyboard. We'd like to get feedback from the Drupal community as to
our structuring of the handbook.
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Dries Buytaert
2003-10-21 17:34:58 UTC
Attached is a powerpoint presentation with the storyboard of the
proposed changes to the Drupal handbook. To those who might not recall,
this is a project being done at Purdue University for a technical
writing class. This phase illustrates the proposed changes to the
organization of the handbook; there is no real content in the
storyboard. We'd like to get feedback from the Drupal community as to
our structuring of the handbook.
The storyboard looks good and covers all essential aspects of running and
managing a Drupal site. Well done.

The only minor suggestion I have is to expand the part about system
requirements and to differentiate between 'software requirements',
'hardware requirements' and 'hosting requirements' (i.e. cron support,
certain PHP settings, mod_rewrite support and support for local .htaccess

What software/tools will you be using to write the tutorial?
Dries Buytaert :: http://www.buytaert.net/
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[ http://lists.drupal.org/options/drupal-user/gcpdu-drupal-user%40gmane.org ]