Stefan Nagtegaal
2003-12-30 08:11:20 UTC
Node.module line 21 (CVS of today), reads:
$output .= "<dt>Static on front page</dt><dd>The front page is
configured to show the teasers from only a few of the total nodes you have
on your site (To configure how many teasers %teaser), but if you think a
node is important enough that you want it to stay on the front page enable
And line 25:
$output .= "<dt>Promote to front page</dt><dd>To get people to look at
the new stuff on your site you can choose to move it to the front
This should be changed..You don't promote, place items static on your
frontpage.. This is only the case when you set the 'node'-page as your
default front page.
Can't provide a patch for this, because my english isn't good enough for
rewriting module-documentations.
$output .= "<dt>Static on front page</dt><dd>The front page is
configured to show the teasers from only a few of the total nodes you have
on your site (To configure how many teasers %teaser), but if you think a
node is important enough that you want it to stay on the front page enable
And line 25:
$output .= "<dt>Promote to front page</dt><dd>To get people to look at
the new stuff on your site you can choose to move it to the front
This should be changed..You don't promote, place items static on your
frontpage.. This is only the case when you set the 'node'-page as your
default front page.
Can't provide a patch for this, because my english isn't good enough for
rewriting module-documentations.
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