[bug] broken links in bloggerapi_help()
2003-12-04 11:54:57 UTC
Project: User experience
Version: <none>
Component: documentation
Category: bug reports
Priority: normal
Assigned to: Anonymous
Reported by: ax
Updated by: ax
-Status: active
+Status: closed

bloggerapi.module has become blogapi.module, and it's 3 links DO work.


Previous comments:

June 20, 2003 - 17:33 : ax

http://plant.blogger.com/api/index.html [1]
404 - [no reason]

http://simon.kittle.info/textrouter [2]
404 - Object Not Found

http://www.tswoam.co.uk/index.php?n_go=16 [3]
200 - OK [redirected] (to "http://www.tswoam.co.uk/index.html")

http://plant.blogger.com/api/index.html [4]
404 - [no reason]

http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_newPost.html [5]
404 - [no reason]

http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_editPost.html [6]
404 - [no reason]

http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_getUsersBlogs.html [7]
404 - [no reason]

http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_getUserInfo.html [8]
404 - [no reason]

http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_getTemplate.html [9]
404 - [no reason]

http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_setTemplate.html [10]
404 - [no reason]

[1] http://plant.blogger.com/api/index.html
[2] http://simon.kittle.info/textrouter
[3] http://www.tswoam.co.uk/index.php?n_go=16
[4] http://plant.blogger.com/api/index.html
[5] http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_newPost.html
[6] http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_editPost.html
[7] http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_getUsersBlogs.html
[8] http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_getUserInfo.html
[9] http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_getTemplate.html
[10] http://plant.blogger.com/api/xmlrpc_setTemplate.html


June 29, 2003 - 00:51 : Dries

Changing this report to be a "user experience" (documentation) issue;
hopefully someone can help updating the bloggerapi_help() function.


June 29, 2003 - 02:23 : Chris Johnson

Working on fixing all links and making this far clearer and easier to
maintain right now. Should have a patch in less than an hour.


June 29, 2003 - 03:56 : Chris Johnson

Patch for review in Slavica's (not mine, I don't have one) sandbox in
the for_review directory named 0007.slavica.bloggerapi.patch.

In addition to fixing the links, the text is reformatted (not on web
page, just in source) to make future maintenance easier.



June 29, 2003 - 09:17 : Dries


Using 'heredoc' style comments is often debated; some see it as an
improvement, others think it is plain ugly. Personally, I prefer not
to use it (we don't use it anywhere else).


July 1, 2003 - 05:09 : Chris Johnson

Modified my patch to use single quotes instead of HEREDOC. Patch still
in same place, now CVS version 1.2.


July 4, 2003 - 01:42 : Anonymous

Modified my patch again. I received correspondence from Simon Kittle
the author of TextRouter and PerlyBlog. The URL for the former has
changed. The link has been removed for the latter, as it no longer


July 4, 2003 - 03:13 : Chris Johnson

(Hmm. That was me. Somehow my browser lost my login cookie or

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